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Washington Street
Baptist Church

God Is Good All The Time!!!

​Appreciation - Betty Peak & Deanna McDaniel
Baptism - Suzette & Cy Boyd, Linda Johnson, Jeanette Jordan, Marie Curtis, Lisa Achkar & Thurmond Crouch​
Benevolence - Gloria Haney, Patsy Ellis & Otis Williams
Brotherhood - Wallace Boulware, Cy Boyd, Ralph Marthers & Bill Ellis
Building & Grounds - Jackie Branham, Betty Peak, Joe & Deanna McDaniel, Ralph Marthers, John Fish & Paul Lockey
Cemetery Contact - Lisa Achkar, Otis Williams, Linda Johnson & Genise Self
Children's (Grades 1 to 6) - Shannon Woodard, Betty Crouch, Tammy Haney, & Betty Glisson
Children's Sermon - Betty Glisson (1st Sunday), Lolly Branham (2nd Sunday), Shannon Woodard (3rd Sunday), Betty Crouch (4th Sunday), Polly Phillips (5th Sunday), & Cindy Fish & Bill Ellis (Alternates)
Fellowship - Joe & Deanna McDaniel, Wallace & Carol Boulware, Cy & Suzette Boyd, Carless Kimble & Betty Peak
Homecoming - Pastor, Music Director, & Chairman of the Fellowship Committee
Laurelwood - Gail Douglas, Otis Williams, Jim Hill, & Deborah Myers
Girls in Action (GA's) Director - Betty Glisson
Girls in Action (GA's) Assistant Director - Gail Douglas & Ruthie Glisson
Lord's Supper - Jeanette Jordan, Cy & Suzette Boyd, & Thurmond Crouch
Metro Association Messengers - Rachel Crouch & Gloria Haney
​Personnel - Chairman of Deacons, Chariman of Steward Committe & Chairman of Building & Grounds
Preschool (Birth to Kindergarten) - Deanna McDaniel
Royal Ambassadors (RA's) - Randy Sisk
Senior Adult (Joy) - Bill & Patsy Ellis & Gail Black
Stewardship/Finance - Gail Black, Judy Branham & Rhonda Young
Tellers - Bryan Young, Judy Branham, John Fish, Nadine Sims, Ashley Branham, & Mike Self
Trustees - Otis Williams, Bill Kimble & Bill Ellis
Ushers - Thurmond Crouch, Jackie branham, Ralph Marthers, Mike Self, Brent Branham & Henry Sims
Van - Cy Boyd, David Gaddy, & Ralph Marthers
Van Outreach (Drivers) - Otis Williams & Ralph Marthers
VBS Director - Lolly Branham
VBS Assistant Director - Shannon Woodard
VBS Workers - Volunteers
Web Master - Shannon Woodard
WMU Director - Betty Glisson
WMU Assistant Director - Gail Douglas
WMU Secretary - Rachel Crouch
WMU Treasurer - Jeanette Jordan & Rachel Crouch
WMU Meeting Chairperson - Polly Phillips
WMU Prayer Calendar - Betty Crouch
​​Youth - Cindy Fish, Denise Lockey & David Roberts
Youth on Missions (YOM) - Cindy Fish
Church Committees

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